Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Millworks Project turns 2!

I am proud to announce that yesterday was the 2nd birthday of the Millworks Photography Project. On March 24th 2008, I began photographing historic mills as an official project. The rest is history. That first day out on the project, I had taken the day off work, and headed east into the Duham region. It was there that I found Tyrone Mill, and fell in love. I continued on my journey, seeing close to 6 mills that day. (Balls Mill. Cream Of Barley Mill, Vanstone Mill, Molson Mill, Tyrone Mill, and The Brooklin Flour Mill). Since that day, I have probably seen close to 200 mills across the province.

Most of the mills are in different conditions, from falling apart, just parts lying in a river bed, to fully functioning and operational. As I embark on the 3rd year of the project, I am looking forward to discovering many of the mills that I have not seen yet.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Now that I am back in Toronto, and my contract with the Yukon First Nation's is over... Its time for me to turn my attention to my upcoming exhibition! MILLWORKS 2! This will be the second installation of my historic mill photography project titled MILLWORKS at Tan Coffee shop 992 Queen St. W. here in Toronto during the month of May 2010. I will be announcing more details about the exhibition and a small reception that I am hoping to have. To see more images from the MILLWORKS project, please visit: and navigate to the Mill project photo set.