Friday, June 26, 2009

Film Fanatic?

I would not call myself a film fanatic.. as clearly I am not, owning a D700 and D90 as my main camera's, but recently a friend of mine decided to call is completely quits on all of her film she was storing in her fridge for the past 3 years or more. So with close to 75-100 rolls of film in the bag, I decided it was time to upgrade my film body from a lowly Nikon F50 to the amazing and faboo F100. The camera is fantastic, and I am looking forward to using it over the next couple of months shooting mostly slide film.

Aside from the F100, I just spent Wednesday June 22nd evening at the Guild Inn park. I am proud to say, I didn't take a single digital image that night. Instead I was armed with the Cambo 4x5 and Pentax 67 Medium format camera. I did 6 exposures on 4x5, and the better part of 1.5 rolls in MF. A fun evening, and always a joy to concentrate on shooting film. I hope film will be around for a lot longer that most think... and it never dies.

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