Monday, June 21, 2010

Photographers That Inspire!

In a recent issue of Outdoor Photography Canada, I was inspired by a couple of seasoned nature/wildlife photographers. The first was an article titled "Whats in my bag", where a professional wildlife/nature photographer dissects the gear that they carry around. This month was featuring Kelly Funk. I was surprised how closely matched our gear was. He also has the 200-400VR which I recently acquired. His website is

The second photographer, of course is Darwin Wigget. I always look at his sunrise or landscape images, with inspiration to achieve a higher standards in my own photography. Darwin is a regular writer for Outdoor Photographer, and I love getting the magazine and seeing what he has to say.

This coming summer and fall, I am going to be concentrating more on my nature/landscape and wildlife work. I will be spending a lot of time at the Haliburton Forest Wildlife Reserve, where my wife and I lease a campsite on Black Lake. I spend many Saturday and Sunday mornings getting up at 5am, and driving up the north road to look for wildlife and/or a nice sunrise spot to shoot at. There are several good locations for sunrise, and I will continue to find more this coming season.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Millworks Lecture / SPOOM Spring Millers Day

Hello Everyone, this is an update as of Thursday June 3rd 2010. There is a lot going on this week!! Starting off with the end of the MILLWORKS II exhibit which was taken down this past Tuesday evening. Thank you to all of those who dropped by to take a look at the images. I received tons of positive feedback. I didn't sell any of the work from the show - so if you are interested in purchasing anything, please feel free to contact me! Keep in mind that I can also do custom sizing, and images.

Secondly, tonight is my presentation to the Beach Photo Club. I will present the body of work that I have spent the last 2 years putting together on the MILLWORKS project. The presentation will run approximately 1.5 hours, and includes a 20 minute slideshow set to classical music. If you are looking for something to do tonight, please feel free to come and listen to the talk. There is a $5 drop in fee for the club - location is St. Aiden's Church - Memorial Hall, 70 Silverbirch Avenue in the Beaches.

Finally, this coming Saturday June 5th is the SPOOM (Society For The Preservation Of Old Mills - Canadian Chapter) Spring millers day! SPOOM will be meeting in the morning at Chaffey's lock/Chaffey's Mill, and the rest of the day will revolve around the Delta Old Stone Mill which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year! At the Spring Millers day, I will be promoting my project, giving out post cards, and talking about the future of the project. I am crossing my fingers that my new post cards arrive in time for Friday.